Are You Creating The Life You Truly Desire?

What is the truth of the future you are creating?

Do you find yourself lost in "what could be" rather than in what truly is in this present moment?

I have found in the past that when my clients think about their future, they only look ahead at goals or benchmarks that will get them to where they want to be one day. They take action and sometimes feel that only through action will they ever see progress. That is all well and good, but I invite you to consider a different way of thinking that includes The Pause. I find that it is in taking this time to Pause and reflect that we truly become more aligned with our hearts and what we are really committed to in this life. Having this knowledge helps to move us in the right direction with more peace and affirmation in our hearts.

Being fully present in what is going on in your life this very what is going to help shape your future. Many seem to forget that your future doesn't just pop up out of nowhere. You have to build it one day, one moment at a time. The moments you are having right now will one day be your past moments, right? So I ask the question, what are you doing right now to build the future you truly desire?

Lastly, being sensibly selfish is a must for each of us. It is only in taking time to care for ourselves body, mind, and soul that we can become the person we were truly meant to become and have the life that we desire.

So how do all three of these points work together to help create the life we truly desire? Today's episode of Pause for Power goes into further detail on each and challenges you to think outside the box and consider a different perspective on building your future. Let's take a look:

Now it's your turn. Tell me in the comments below what your biggest challenges are when you consider your future. Do you get lost in the dreams of the perfect life and forget about the present moment?

Maybe you are stuck in the past and find it difficult to even think about your future.

Let me know what you think. I invite you to share your thoughts and insights in the comments below. You never know when something you share may give someone a new perspective or even change their life.

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