Freedom to be Authentic

Freedom to be Authentic.Image.jpg

The consensus is that one should be authentic and live an authentic life. But ever wonder what gets in the way of living a life of authenticity? I believe it's the individual's lack of freedom that keeps one stuck in an inauthentic life. My recent brush with authenticity and freedom around the launch of my book has opened my eyes in a new way. In this weeks vlog I share my latest insight on how freedom and authenticity are related.

What get's in the way of your most authentic life?


Now it’s your turn. Take a quick moment right now and tell me in the comments below what the #1 inauthenticity is in your life and what would it feel like if you could get rid of it and have total freedom once and for all? Imagine what that would like like, feel like and be like!

Let me know what you think. I invite you to share your thoughts and insights in the comments below. You never know when something you share may give someone a new perspective or even change their life.

Until next time….may this pause be with you….


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