
Many times we feel like the road to recovery is an endless dark tunnel of gloom and despair. Some give up too early or exit the tunnel, off to yet another scenic (or painful) detour, restless in the darkness. Some go round and around, circling the drain, facing the same challenge. The lesson keeps repeating in our lives until it is learned.

Through my work in recovery, healing, and transformation for over twenty years, I have found that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and that the light is within me. But first I have to really know this. And that begins with awakening and remembering…


I awaken and remember who I really am

I embrace my inner divine light

I accept that I am loved by God

I see that the light of God shines through me

I am cosmic alignment

I am Loveable

I am Loved



The journey from line #1 to line #8 is the work. It’s not for the faint of heart, but so worth it.

If you are ready to live, love and shine as you are meant to, and step out of your past patterns and belief systems, I invite you to S.H.A.R.E with me.


What is S.H.A.R.E?

S = Spiritual

H = Heart

A = Awakening &

R = Remembering

E = Experience


Someone asked me if I could do this as a daily prayer every single day? I would never have thought of that. But it’s an option. Another suggestion I received was to have a “S.H.A.R.E” gathering, like a seminar or a conference. That too is a good option. What would you like?

In my past writing, I have stated that there is no global peace and world change OUT THERE. It all starts right here, right now, within us. It is up to us to take radical responsibility for our own healing, recovery, and transformation. There can be world peace, but it is directly related to our inner peace. And that is our responsibility. No matter where we go, there we are. The manner of our arriving is in our hands, we have the power to transform that.

In the coming weeks, I will begin extending invitations for a variety of interactions. Phone, web, and in-person with me. I can’t wait to open our spiritual hearts to awaken and remember who we really are, together! I can’t wait to S.H.A.R.E!!!


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