Why Affirmations Fail

The Law Of Attraction and affirmations can be very powerful tools if used correctly. Used merely on the surface leaving the underlying belief systems unaddressed is the equivalent of putting icing on mud pie. When used like band aid, the impact of those affirmations is transitional and temporary, resulting in their failure to produce the results you seek. Soon enough repeating affirmations in front of the mirror two to five times a day seems less appealing and you fall back into your old patterns. There is a way however, to avert the failure of affirmations. In this 6 minute podcast Richa talks about how you have to connect with the inner awareness and truth of who you are to create the transformation you desire using the law of attraction. it can work, but you have to know how.


The Law Of Attraction and affirmations can be very powerful tools if used correctly. Used merely on the surface leaving the underlying belief systems unaddressed is the equivalent of putting icing on mud pie. When used like band aid, the impact of those affirmations is transitional and temporary, resulting in their failure to produce the results you seek. Soon enough repeating affirmations in front of the mirror two to five times a day seems less appealing and you fall back into your old patterns. There is a way however, to avert the failure of affirmations. In this 6 minute podcast Richa talks about how you have to connect with the inner awareness and truth of who you are to create the transformation you desire using the law of attraction. it can work, but you have to know how.

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