Peeling An Onion

My girls are 7, 6 and 3. I have already been requested by my oldest a few times regarding sleepovers at friends homes. Hmmmmm, breathe Mamma, breathe......

I remember as a kid, the idea of going over to a friend’s place for a sleepover was fun and exciting. As a mother, the idea of my daughter going to a friend’s place for a sleepover is scary and an absolute NO-NO! Breathe in (count to 4), breathe out (count to 4), repeat....! While the arguments, pros, cons and opinions regarding this idea are limitless, how does this relate to my Anahatha (the heart center) journey? This dilemma helps me get present to the “Peeling An Onion” phenomena as I like to call it.


What does “Peeling An Onion” mean in the context of Anahatha? It’s a metaphor for an integral aspect of the journey of personal transformation and spiritual growth. There are many layers of inner awareness and awakening. You can only get fully present to one layer at a time....

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Happy Anniversary (& Valentine's) Baby, Got You On My Mind.....

Do you know this song? It's by a 70's rock band called The Little River Band. What's that got to do with me, you and the world of Anahatha?

Today is Valentine's Day. It also happens to be my 10 year wedding anniversary. Hence the "Happy Anniversary Baby, Got You On My Mind" to my honey who is away on a business trip. But I find today to also be a seminal moment on my Anahatha (Heart) journey. A time to reflect on the "State of the Union", if you will.


My friends and clients who I share this piece of my story with always respond with either an "Aw!" or "How sweet" when I share that that my husband (Kash) and I met when we were 3 and 4 years old, respectively. Very quickly, the next question is usually, "Was it an arranged marriage?" The answer to that is, "No, it wasn't".

We have three lovely daughters together, 7, 6 and almost 3. We have a beautiful life. We love each other. All true. But there is something we missed out on in the last 10 years and I wanted to share that...

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Dream Big And Dream Fierce

The title of this blog is a quote from Viola Davis's acceptance speech at the SAG (Screen Actors Guild) Awards for best actress in "The Help". She'll probably be the one to win the Oscar too.

So, what does that have to do with Anahatha or this blog? 

Anahatha means the Heart Chakra. And yesterday as I "happened" to catch the news on TV (which BTW I rarely do), I knew I was "meant" to be reminded of this message when Viola spoke from her heart.

Interesting how things unravel.


On being asked how she felt about where she was now in her career she replied that her career shifted from the moment she realized that she had a voice. And that she could use it. She had found in herself the power to claim her space in the movie business. And this was after experiencing her fair share of rejection, Hollywood style.

Once she made the inner shift, she said, her career started to shift as well. And voila! Viola is on a roll, isn't she?

That ... is "Personal Transformation" right...

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Coming Home To The Heart

If you are reading this you probably know that my Personal Transformation and Spiritual Mentoring practice is called “Anahatha”. And Anahatha is the name given to the Heart Chakra. There are three Chakras that lie above the Heart Chakra and three Chakras that lie below the Heart Chakra and it is at the Heart Chakra that heaven and earth meet. My students and retreat participants have heard me say this many times.


But why am I saying this to you now?

Well, on my recent trip to India I had some insights into a deeper space of my Anahatha (Heart) journey and I felt like it was time for me to share these insights with you.

Ever had an experience where things get so twisted and you have no idea where you’re heading? Then you find out that all that twisting ended up being a yummy, delicious pretzel. Frankly, I don’t care for pretzels, but just for yucks, let’s say I did.

Something completely unexpected and unplanned happened in India. And I am so glad...

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7 Times You Were Meditating (and didn't realize it!)

Lately, life at work had been really tough for Jane. There were mounting deadlines, disgruntled employees and a boss that was hard to please. She was physically and mentally spent, getting to a place of burn out. As the work day came to an end, Jane gathered her things and left her office. She got in her car in the underground parking garage, sat down and took a deep breath in, followed by a long breath out. She took a pause before starting the ignition.

Jane drove home in silence with no radio in the background and cell phone turned off. She chose to just be with her thoughts and allow them to float through her mind. She allowed herself, in those moments of silence, to just reflect on her day and get present to where she was and how she felt about it. Before she even realized it, Jane was home. The 45 minute drive home felt like only 5 minutes. But once she got home, she somehow felt clearer than when she left her office, lighter and even slightly refreshed. Jane might not have...

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You Take My Breath Away

Everyone breathes. True. But do we get the ROI or bang for our buck with every breath we take? Maybe these reminders on the basics and importance of breathing will refresh our breath (and memory)...!


  •     is one of the ways to get rid of waste products and toxins from our body.
  •     is the only means of supplying our bodies and its various organs with oxygen which is vital for our health.

Why is oxygen so vital?

  •     The brain requires more oxygen than any other organ. If it doesn't get enough, the result is mental sluggishness, negative thoughts, depression and, eventually reduced vision and hearing.
  •     Oxygen supply in our body reduces as we get older and when we make poor lifestyle choices (unhealthy eating, no exercise, stressful job.....etc., get the picture.)
  •     It is essential for the proper and efficient functioning of the brain, nerves, glands and other internal organs...
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Namaste: What Does It Mean?

‘Namaste’ or ‘Namaskar’ is the Indian way of greeting one another. Namaste is the customary courtesy greeting to begin with and often to end with. It is not a superficial gesture or a mere word. It is used amongst friends or strangers and regardless of age or gender.

The Meaning of Namaste:

In Sanskrit the word is namah + te = Namaste which means “I bow to you”. The word ‘namaha’ can also be literally interpreted as "na ma" (not mine). It has a spiritual significance of dissolving one's ego in the presence of another being.

How to Namaste:

Bend the arms from the elbow upwards and face the two palms of the hands. Place the two palms together and keep the folded palms in front of the chest. Say the word Namaste and while saying the word bow the head slightly. You also gently close your eyes, as it were, to look into the inner spirit – yours and theirs.

Why Namaste:

Namaste could be just a casual or formal greeting, a cultural...

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