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Meditation Free Resources

Smile Meditation
Sacred Fire Purification
Conscious Breathing Meditation
Aura Awareness
Inner Sanctuary Meditation
The Diamond Within
Gratitude Meditation
The Fountain Of Creativity

Your Body Is An Access Point To Awareness, & Meditation

Take a moment to get present. Let your breath guide you, as you drop into your body, and raise your awareness and connection to what is here right now.

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Invoke The Healing Heart

During this guided meditation journey, Richa takes you deep within the center of your heart chakra, your Anahatha Chakra, with conscious breathing, awareness, and visualization of the green light. Transform and transmute old hurts, pain, and your heart in this meditation. Come into awareness of the limitless nature of consciousness and your access to it.

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Dissolve Distance In Relationship

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S.H.A.R.E. Guided Practice

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